Saturday, September 28, 2024

What School? Tough Choice

Every year, parents, guardians and even children themselves are faced with what can be a challenging decision; what school/s to put on the application form.

For many across the country, the decision almost gets made for them because of location. However, in an area like ours, there are so many options. This could be seen as a blessing, but equally, it can cause a headache.

Should you apply for the closest? Should you send them where you went? Should they go where their friends are going? Where has a good reputation? These are just a few of the questions that go through the minds of many, which when added to the actual thought of them going to a school in the first place, can be somewhat stressful.

Whatever your motivation, it’s a milestone in any child’s life so it’s important to strike a balance. If you’re driven by ofsted statistics, then the government website is a handy tool.

The site allows you to search for specific schools, or schools by area. If, for example you select SO19, it will deliver the results for that area, and you can branch out by a mile or three if you wish. From there you can filter and sort the results, and also see the schools on a map. There’s an array of information that may help with your considerations, and the link is below.

Remember, an Ofsted visit and rating may not reflect how things will be now, or later. If anything, those visits serve well as a reminder to some schools, and improvements may have already been made since. Chat to other parents or check their websites; first hand reviews will generally give an honest and current view point. 

Worth noting that applications have closed for those starting secondary school in Sept ’22, but remain open until 15 January for those going into Year R or 3.

Here’s the government website link should you wish to view it.