Sunday, September 29, 2024

VIDEO – Robbery In Broad Daylight

Footage has been received today, showing a thieving salad helping himself to a parcel from a non-suspecting victim’s porch. This happened in Redlands Drive just after 9am.

As you can see from the video below, even daylight won’t deterrent these people!

Let’s share the video and see if we can find a name for the culprit. Someone out there may recognise him.  Have you had your parcel stolen from your doorstep? Let us know and we’ll share the details to see if it will jog others memories.

We know at this time of year there will be many people waiting on deliveries.  We just hope that the delivering companies are able to put your delivery in a safe and secure place, so that it’s there on your return home.  

Look out for each other; if someone is acting suspicious and trying to sell something that they wouldn’t normally own, calling 101 would be a good starting point.

Do you recognise this person