Saturday, July 6, 2024

Two youths armed with knives go on rampage in Thornhill

In the early hours of this morning, two salads dressed in black were causing a lot of issues around Thornhill.

Around 3am they were spotted attempting to smash car windows by St Christopher’s Church, which is just off Hinkler Road.  They also targeted a car in Lydgate Green, returning a little later only to be scared off by the owner.

Then further into the morning, they also attempted to steal from a lad who was on his way home alone.  Just like a number of recent incidents, they were carrying a knife, but thankfully the lad was able to continue on his way, with his possessions.  He was obviously shaken up, with his top ripped but with no injuries thankfully.

The incidents have been reported to the police, but next time the situation could be so much worse. Someone will know these two lads and next time they could seriously injure themselves or someone else. The question has to be asked; is it really helping by not doing the right thing and coming forward with information.

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