Sunday, September 29, 2024

Two year old boys grave damaged following social media threats

The family of a young boy who tragically died in June last year are now being targeted in an extremely disturbing way.

The young boy was just two years old when he passed away; naturally this left his family devastated. Now, however, his Sister, and his Mum, have been receiving sickening and threatening messages. These messages were sent via anonymous Instagram accounts, which have since been deleted.

To compound matters further, the young lad’s grave, at St Mary’s Extra cemetery, Sholing has now been vandalised. Four headstones near to the grave have also been damaged.

The damage would have been  caused sometime yesterday evening (10 May), or during the night. Understandably, the family are distraught, and should not have to contend with such disgusting behaviour.

Our thoughts are with the family concerned, and we would urge all parents and guardians to check their child’s  social media activity. What may appear as a ‘childish act’ to them is quite clearly a step too far.