Sunday, September 29, 2024

Two Men Sentenced in Tragic Speed Boat Collision That Resulted in the Death of Teenage Girl

In a tragic incident that took place in August 2020, a teenage girl named Emily Lewis lost her life in a speed boat collision on Southampton Water. Two men, Michael Lawrence and Michael Howley, were sentenced on Friday (17 March), for their involvement in the incident.

Lawrence, aged 55, from Blackfield, was found guilty of failing to maintain a proper lookout and a safe speed during the collision that killed 15 year old Emily. However, he was acquitted of gross negligence manslaughter. Meanwhile, Howley, aged 52, from New Milton, was found guilty of failing to ensure that the boat was operated in a safe manner.

In sentencing both men at Winchester Crown Court, Judge Mr Justice Christopher Butcher said: “Your prosecution arose from a terrible and tragic event. Emily was a fun, caring young girl, who would have grown up to be an amazing adult. Her death has left a void in her family’s lives. It was an incident with profound and lasting consequences, quite apart from the devastating fact of Emily’s death.”

Both Lawrence and Howley were sentenced to 18 weeks in prison, suspended for two years, and ordered to complete 125 hours of unpaid work. The judge acknowledged that the incident had far-reaching consequences, and expressed his hope that Emily’s family can now find some closure.

In a statement, Emily’s family said: “After 2 and a half long years, we have managed to get some of the justice that Emily so deserved, and that the responsibility for her death as well as the life-changing injuries to the other passengers on board that day has finally been proven.”

They went on to say that they appreciated that Lawrence did not intend for the events to unfold as they did, but that his handling of the situation was below their expectations given his experience as a mariner. They also noted that the implementation of guidance by Howley was haphazard, and that if it had been followed more rigorously, the collision may not have occurred.

DCI Danielle Daltrey, who commented on the case after the sentencing, highlighted the importance of following maritime guidance and legislation, and ensuring that the safety of those on board is a top priority. She also expressed her sympathies to Emily’s family and friends, and all those who were passengers on the boat that day.