Sunday, September 29, 2024

TV License To Be Scrapped

If you’ve not seen already, it’s been announced that TV licences will be scrapped! This is due to happen by 2027, which may seem an age away, but it’ll soon creep up.

All those years of talking about who does or doesn’t have a license, what individuals think of the BBC, and the hints and tips around avoiding the need to pay it will be done with. Importantly, the debates over who should or shouldn’t have to pay for it based on their circumstances will no longer need to be debated.

Who knows what this news will mean for the BBC. For now, I’m sure most of the country will just be thankful that a little saving will be possible in the not too distant future.

Another positive is that the cost of the current license isnt likely to increase for the next couple of years. We may see a slight rise thereafter; up to the point that it’s removed completely.

What are your thoughts on the scrapping of the TV licence? Let us know in the comments below.