Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Police officer lied during domestic abuse investigation

A Southampton based Police Constable has been able to keep his job, despite investigations confirming he’d committed serious misconduct.

In May 2020, when gathering information about a domestic abuse allegation, it’s understood that the officer fabricated information.

PC Edward Greevy attended a tribunal last week at the HQ in Eastleigh where he was given a final written warning. This will remain on his record for two years.

There was a second incident relating to another instance of domestic abuse, but he was cleared of this.

Tribunal chair, Nicola Talbot-Hadley, told Greevy;

“Dismissal is almost inevitable, but there are some cases where exceptions can be made.

We found that the officer’s guilt was reduced by management failures. The misconduct was limited to one incident.

There was a risk of injury, but no actual injury was caused to a member of the public.

He accepted his shortcomings early on and the need to recognise that he needed additional tools and strategies to help him perform to the best of his ability.”

She added: “It was a time of lack of integrity and not doing the right thing after the events that led to increased pressure and anxiety rather than a deliberate act of dishonesty.

While the public has a right to expect high standards from officers, we also believe that the police, as an employer, have a duty to take care of their officers.

Firing this officer would be disproportionate.”