Sunday, September 29, 2024

Police meet with locals to discuss anti social behaviours

Nuisance and anti social behaviour involving motorbikes has been a theme in some areas for a while now. As we eluded to in a previous story though, police are keen to try and tackle this.

Yesterday, 19 May, officers, together with representatives of Southampton City Council were in the area of the Veracity ground, SO19. They were talking to locals about the subject. 

Surveys took place focussing around that area specifically, although it has to be said that other areas of the city have also been visited for the same reason; and will be moving forward.

Via social media, police thanked residents for taking time to provide information. They also urged people to continue to report incidents like motorbike nuisance and anti social behaviour. They may not be able to deploy officers each and every time a report is made, but it really does help to build a picture of how big the problem is, together with trends on when it’s happening.

There will be a Police and Communities Together (PACT) meeting for the Peartree and Woolston area soon. Once we have more details, we will let people know. We can say that it’ll likely take place at the community centre in Merryoak, but can’t yet confirm the date or time.