Thursday, July 4, 2024

Police Determine Death of 52-Year-Old Woman in Southampton Not Suspicious

Police have announced that the death of a 52 year old woman in International Way, Weston, on Monday (10 April) is no longer being treated as suspicious.

Following a post-mortem and important witness evidence, officers investigating the woman’s death have determined that there was no foul play involved.

The woman’s family has been informed of this decision and continues to be supported by specialist officers. A file will be prepared for the coroner in due course.

Initially, a 52 year old man from Southampton was arrested on suspicion of murder. However, he is no longer under investigation for this offence.

DCI Adam Edwards from Hampshire and Isle of Wight’s Criminal Justice Department stated, “Our thoughts are with the victims’ family at this very difficult time. A full and thorough investigation has been conducted. The decision to treat the matter as a non-suspicious death has been made following review of a number of pieces of evidence gathered by investigators linked to this case.”

Superintendent Phil Lamb, District Commander for Southampton, added, “I know that this incident caused considerable concern in the community over the weekend, and my thoughts are with the victims’ family, friends, and the community at this time. All information submitted to us has been reviewed and shared with my local teams, and enables us to build up a picture of what is happening in the community and informs our patrol and policing plans for the district.”

The incident caused considerable alarm in the community, and the police investigation was extensive. However, the determination that the death was not suspicious will bring some relief to the woman’s family and the community as a whole.