Friday, October 4, 2024

Owners of unchipped cats could now face fine of £500

It’s been spoken about for some time now, but it’s been confirmed today, 13 March, that it will become mandatory for pet cats to be microchipped.

With over 9 million pet cats in the UK, it’s quite staggering that around a quarter of that number are unchipped. It’s widely believed that bringing in this legislation will aid owners with being reunited with their lost or stray cats.

An at a glance summary of the new ruling is as follows;

Owners have until 10 June 2024 to have their cat microchipped

Cats must have the microchip implanted before reaching 20 weeks old

Owners must keep all relevant data updated

Owners of unchipped cats will be given a 21 day notice to have one implanted

Failure to comply within the 21 day period could result in a fine of up to £500 being issued.

The following statements were made available online;

Environment Secretary Thérèse Coffey said:
“Cats and kittens are treasured members of the family, and it can be devasting for owners when they are lost or stolen.

“Legislating for compulsory microchipping of cats will give comfort to families by increasing the likelihood that lost or stray pets can be reunited with their owners.”

Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss said:
“I am pleased that we are progressing with our requirement for all cats to be microchipped.

“Microchipping is by far the most effective and quickest way of identifying lost pets. As we’ve seen with dog microchipping, those who are microchipped are more than twice as likely to be reunited with their owner.

“By getting their cat microchipped, owners can increase the likelihood that they will be reunited with their beloved pet in the event of it going missing.”

Cats Protection’s Head of Advocacy, Campaigns & Government Relations, Madison Rogers, said:
“Cats Protection is delighted that pet cats in England will be given the same protection as dogs when it comes to microchipping. The charity regularly reunites owners with their much-loved cats, and in most cases this is only possible thanks to microchips. No matter how far from home they are found, or how long they have been missing, if a cat has a microchip there is a good chance that a lost cat will be swiftly returned home.”