Saturday, July 6, 2024

New dedicated police team for Winchester City Centre

25 February saw the launch of a new policing team. This team has been dedicated to Winchester City Centre.

The Neighbourhood Policing Team consists of two PCs, two PCSOs, and a Special Constable. Their sole focus will be to reduce and prevent crimes and associated ASB.

Existing relationships with the local Council, and that with the Winchester Business Improvement District (BID) will be built upon. They’ll also be supported by other Winchester based Policing teams, as well as other teams from across the force.

The following statements were issued online;

Inspector John Stribley said: “I’m pleased that we have been able to set up this team to make sure Winchester city centre is a safer environment for people who live, work and visit here.

“We are always looking at how best we can serve the public and we have listened to local residents and businesses in setting this up. The city centre is a pretty unique environment within the district and it needs its own dedicated team.

“The officers will provide a visible presence, with regular patrols, and they will also work with partners to address wider issues in the city centre.”

Jane Bastock, Winchester BID Business Crime Reduction Manager, said: “I am delighted to be working with the police city centre team who will be focussing on reducing business crime and anti-social behaviour in the city.

“This will provide additional support to our members, the local community and visitors to the city to make Winchester a safer place to work and visit.”

Leader of Winchester City Council, Cllr Martin Tod said: “The City Council is always looking for ways to improve things in our centre and look forward to working with the new policing team.

“The City Council’s Neighbourhood Services Team, CCTV operators and wider council will be working closely to support them. The closer we work together, the better it is for Winchester.”