Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Man Jailed for 24 Weeks for Assaults on Police Officers

Daniel Shaun Marczylo, a 36 year old resident of Hedley Close, Fawley, has been sentenced to 24 weeks in jail for three separate assaults on police officers, as well as a public order offence that occurred on the same date. The sentencing took place at Southampton Magistrates’ Court on Monday, 02 October. 

The charges stem from an incident that occurred on Sunday, 28 May, in Fawley, when officers were responding to a report of an assault. Marczylo was subsequently arrested and taken into custody, but during the process of his arrest and transfer to a cell, he spat at and kicked the officers. Fortunately, the officers involved did not suffer any lasting injuries.

In addition to the prison sentence, Marczylo has been ordered to pay £300 in compensation to the assaulted officers. Chief Inspector Nick Marsden, District Commander for the New Forest, emphasised the zero-tolerance stance on such behaviour, stating, “Attacking one of our police officers or Police Community Support Officers in the execution of their duties, whether it be verbally or physically, will never be tolerated.”

He further added, “Our officers are trying to do a job in protecting the communities they serve and keeping people safe in the process. This behaviour is appalling and completely unacceptable.” Marsden also highlighted the wide-ranging impact of such assaults, not only on the officers but also on their colleagues, families, and the broader community.

“This assault will never be seen as ‘just part of the job,'” Marsden affirmed. “We will do everything we can to deal with these offences and offenders quickly and robustly.”

The case of Daniel Shaun Marczylo serves as a reminder of the serious consequences individuals can face when assaulting police officers in the line of duty. It underscores the commitment of the police to ensure the safety and well-being of their officers while upholding the rule of law.