Monday, September 30, 2024

Man charged following spate of burglaries

Following a spate of burglaries in October last year, and another in December, police have now charged a man with the offences.

31 year old William Michael Flores, of no fixed abode, has been charged with three counts of non-dwelling burglary and one count of dwelling burglary.

The three counts of non-dwelling burglary relate to the following incidents:

On 15 October at around 2:30am entry was gained to a commercial building on Bugle Street, and a number of laptops were taken.

On 16 October, not long after 4:30am, a property was broken into on Brookvale Road; a bicycle was taken.

On 18 October, around 8:30pm a premises on West Street was accessed and two boxed vacuum cleaners worth £160 were taken.

The one count of dwelling burglary relates to the following incident:

Overnight between Saturday 3 December and Sunday 4 December, access was gained to a house on Broad Green. Various items were taken, including a box of tools worth around £1000.

Flores was remanded into custody to appear at Southampton Magistrates Court today (9 January).