Saturday, September 28, 2024

Local woman banned from begging in Hampshire

Clare Munn given a three year Criminal Behaviour Order.

A lot of our followers will know who Clare is and some of her antics in recent years.  So it’s a relief to be able to tell you that yesterday, at Southampton Magistrates, Clare was given a 3 year Criminal Behaviour Order.  This means Clare is not allowed to beg anywhere within Hampshire in that time.

Here is an explanation of what a Criminal Behaviour Order is from Southampton Cops

“The purpose of a Criminal Behaviour Order is to tackle the most serious and persistent offenders and stop them from committing further criminal offences and anti-social behaviour.

Breaching a Criminal Behaviour Order carries a maximum term of imprisonment of five years.”

Clare was also found guilty of Common Assault of an emergency worker and ordered to pay £100 in compensation.  This was due to an incident in July last year, where Clare spat at a police officer, whilst being put in the back of a police van.

Over the past year, there has been countless posts and comments around Clare’s actions, mostly within Thornhill, her area of residency.  We hope this puts an end to it all, however if it carries on, the order now means Clare can receive up to 5 years in prison