Saturday, September 28, 2024

Kids seen playing chicken on M271

The saying “kids will be kids” is something we see and read quite often. However, this takes on a different dimension today.

As adults, we know now (or should) what the boundary is between having fun and putting ourselves in danger. It seems that some kids may not have got the memo and could do with a little lesson in that.

At around 2:30pm today, two kids around the ages of 11-12 were seen running across the busy M271.  A witnesss suggests that they were being ‘egged on’ by a groups of other kids running over the bridge.

One of the culprits had a black and blue wide striped t-shirt on. Regrettably, we don’t have a description of the other.

The kids were laughing during their run across the busy road, clearly oblivious to the dangers involved.

This is an appeal to parents of kids local to this area to remind them of the dangers of these “games”. Nobody wants to be reading what the next headline news could be.