Sunday, September 29, 2024

Graffiti Or Street Art?

No matter what you refer to it as, if it’s in the wrong place, it’s simply vandalism, which has NO place, anywhere.

Sure, we all have and do admire street art from time to time, but when it crosses the line, but I think people genuinely can tell the difference. It can not only be unsighlty, it causes stress (and money) for someone to put right. 

In many cases, it’s just kids, and let’s face it, the issue has been around for years. Is it right though?

Is it right that they should make people go out of their way to restore things?

Here are some local ‘street art’ examples – we’ll let you decide how best to describe it; honestly, we’d welcome your thoughts.

Whilst looking to you for thoughts, how about turning this into a positive somehow? Can we channel or inspire the inner Southampton Banksys into actual artists? Is there somewhere that could be approved as a place to show off their talent? If an approved area was out there where kids could be encouraged rather than discouraged, could it do good? 

We don’t have the answers to the above. However, what we do know is that the council are stretched as it is without having the burden of cleaning up any thoughtless acts of vandalism.

As always, we’d welcome your thoughts; is it something that can be tackled?

As a responsible side note, we have reported some of these sightings. If you spot any, please do the same by following the advice given on the link below. We’ve also contacted Royston Smith to see if the Council have any plans to tackle this; we’re awaiting his reply and we’ll update the story as/when he does.

4 thoughts on “Graffiti Or Street Art?

  • Most of these aren’t young kids but sad muppets who think we all need to see their tag. Failed at life so stamp their tantrum for all to see. Sorry no sympathy here. Get a colouring book and do us all a favour. Happy New Year

    • Well said,

    • Well said, as the council prioritizes obscene graffiti removal, it’s tempting to add – is a wonka – after little fezs name, maybe his mummy will remove it herself then

  • In America, the local governments/councils/ whatever they call them over there, have dedicated wall space, that is completely legal to graffiti. They’re not completely out the way, but not right in your face.

    Why can’t we have places like that?

    When Graffiti is done well, it looks incredible. Its the tags, and throw ups that are chucked around that ruin it.

    Like it or not, its still art. And art is subjective. No matter how much you say its not art, or it looks bad etc, doesnt make it so. Its just your opinion, that can differ from others.

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