Friday, September 27, 2024

Center Parcs Longleat Facebook Scam

We have spotted a well known scam doing the rounds again on Facebook. The scammers are posing as the Center Parcs Longleat Forest resort under the same name.

The fake page has already amassed 19000 likes and the posts have been shared thousands of times. The current fake offer claims that someone has previously won the giveaway but they haven’t been able to get in contact with them, so are doing the giveaway again. See the post below.

The post asks people to share and comment. When you comment, you are told you have won the opportunity and need to click the blue ‘sign up’ button at the top of their page. If you do this, you are given a quick survey and asked for your details, then they are in the hands of scammers.

At present we are unaware if they ask for money, but they will likely sell your details to other illegitimate companies. The scam itself is fairly sophisticated, having already generated a large following. One trick to remember is to check the website link under Facebook sign up buttons. In this case, the link is ‘’ which appears safe because it mentions Google, but is actually just a website building platform.

Another trick if in doubt is to just google the giveaway. In this case you would see that this has been done before, and many news outlets have covered this very scam. It’s unfortunate that it’s still doing the rounds, but it is very easy for a scammer to set up a new page. You should also examine the Facebook page itself, this one only has a handful of photos and no details about the resort or real links to the Center Parcs website.

We have reported the link to Facebook as spam, and commented on the post in the hope that others will see and not sign up.