Sunday, September 29, 2024

ASB in SO18

We’ve received the below message and wanted to appeal to local residents.

Have you experienced the same, or similar? Did you report it to 101 or 999? 

The only way the police can deal with this, or any other incident for that matter, is if it’s reported.  If it’s happening everyday, report it everyday. The more people reporting these issues, the more focus will be put on fixing it.

“There has been for sometime a couple of mid range cc motorbikes touring West end Rd down to tescos St Francis avenue edelvale Rd and moving off to nearby estate between 02.00 and 04.00 checking the area. I can hear them,they keep throttling down to a low 5mph speed which can only assume they are checking out cars and other opportunities.
An unmarked police car in the these areas might be able to see what there upto”.

Come on SOnews community, let’s make 2022 the year we make a difference, together.