Friday, September 27, 2024

Arrests made in Vandalism case at Thornhill Primary School

For some months now, police have been investigating reports of criminal damage being caused at Thornhill Primary School, SO19.

Out of school hours, it’s said that youths have been entering the school site. Further, they’ve smashed windows in order to gain access to the school itself. 

Since the start of the new school year, it’s estimated that damage to the value of around £25,000 has been caused. This is one reason why police have been keen to investigate further.

Over the weekend, local community officers spotted two youths on the roof of the school. A short pursuit on foot resulted in one being detained. The second was found to be back at his home address. 

Both youths are now assisting police, and we can but hope that any action taken sees an end to the school having to face these issues. Let’s be honest, educational funding could well do without this extra burden.