Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Aaron Denham Receives Suspended Sentence for Assaulting Emergency Worker and Escaping Custody

22 year old Aaron David Denham of Pennington faced sentencing at Southampton Crown Court for multiple charges, including assaulting an emergency worker, escaping lawful custody, dangerous driving, and possession of an offensive weapon.

The court handed down a four month imprisonment sentence, suspended for 24 months. In addition, Denham faces a 12 month driving disqualification and must complete 100 hours of unpaid work. A two month electronically monitored curfew has been imposed, requiring him to be at his home address from 7pm to 5am.

As part of the sentencing, Denham is obligated to pay £250 in compensation and £520 in court costs. The charges stem from an incident that transpired on 11 October, 2022, around 6pm on Litchford Road, New Milton.

During a police stop, Denham assaulted an officer while being searched. Subsequently, he fled the scene in a dangerous manner. The police later arrested him at his girlfriend’s residence. Denham had previously pleaded guilty to all charges.

In addition to the punitive measures, Denham is required to participate in rehabilitation activities.