Sunday, September 29, 2024

Update on Millbrook Dispersal Order

Police were once again active in the Windermere Avenue area  yesterday evening.

During their patrols, a couple of teens had to be dispersed owing to the foul language they were using. There were residents, including young children within earshot, so it was a good call by the Cops.

Thankfully, a larger group of youngsters took themselves away from the shops, and to the park. This meant there was no need for them to be dispersed too.

Two female teens will be issued with warnings under section 59 of The Police Reform. This was because they were being irresponsible with their use of e-scooters by the shops and on the pavements. Police will now have the powers to seize the e-scooters if further poor use is evidenced.

Further to the above, it seems that the same people come to the attention of Police time and time again. On that note, their parents will likely get a visit from Police and other agencies with a view to tackling the issues.

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