Monday, September 30, 2024

Van targeted for a third time in Millbrook

Last night/early this morning in Green Park Road, Millbrook, another van was targeted.  An unsuccessful attempt to gain access to the van has caused damage that is going to cost the owner £100s to fix.  

The owner of the van told SOnews “It’s the 3rd time my van has been done living here.  It’s that bad I am seriously considering moving home because of it”. 

The owner removes any valuables from his van every night. This follows having had the van ransacked one summer, with tools taken. The second attempt, they managed to steal a drill.  

Although now the van is emptied, the damage to the bodywork and lock on each attempt is still a financial burden he could obviously do without. This is afterall his livelihood.

The incident will have taken place at some point after 1am this morning. Do you have any CCTV in the area that may have caught anything? Do you know of any other victims of a similar crime last night? 

There is clearly a demand for cut price tools. This demand presents an incentive for thieves to go out and steal them.  If you are buying stolen tools, not only is it an offense, but you are also taking food off off kids tables by stopping the original owner from being able to work.