Friday, September 27, 2024

Three boys arrested in SO19

At the PACT meeting last week, there was a lot of discussion around why people do not report crimes to the police.  One of the main reasons given, was that some residents didn’t believe anything would be done.

We made a point of telling the police that we don’t always hear about the positive results from their work. So, we asked whether they could keep us updated on their Facebook page when they have successfully resolved a crime.

Today is one of those days. They’ve provided an update, which clearly  shows the results of their hard work.

On 23 January on Althestan Road, the police caught 3 boys attempting to make off with a motorcycle, before being caught close to the scene.  The boys (aged just 16, 15 and 14) were arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle.  The owner of the vehicle was also reunited with their motorcycle. 

The boys have been released under investigation while the police continued with their enquiries. Should you have any information that you feel may help with their investigations, give 101 a call.