Sunday, September 29, 2024

Motorcycle Dumped By Two Salads

A bike was seen today parked up at the BP garage on Bitterne Road West. 

A local to the area spoke to those working in the garage who confirmed that it had actually been there since Monday. It transpires that two lads were seen to have arrived on it around 2pm Monday, and promptly left the area on foot.

Looking at information we have access to, it hasn’t been reported stolen, but we also know that systems can take time to be updated. Add to that the damage caused to the ignition and we highly suspect that this motocycle was stolen and then later dumped at the garage.

We worked with a local group (Wolfpack) earlier and are pleased to say that the bike has now been recovered. As always, we hope it can now be returned to its owner, and we hope too that the damage caused isn’t too costly to put right.

Please remain vigilant, and if you do spot anything that doesn’t look quite right or legitimate, it’s always worth reporting it. People save hard enough to buy things, so anything to deter the Salads of society goes a long way.