Sunday, September 29, 2024
Good NewsSO19

Good News – Another Stolen Bike Returned To Owner

Last week, we brought you a story of a ‘suspicious’ bike that had been found by a local. Turns out the bike had been stolen, and with the help of local group, Wolfpack, the bike was able to be returned to its grateful owner.

Today, we have fairly similar news, but in a somewhat strangely different order.

A few days ago, it was reported that a bike had been stolen from Weston. Today, another local has come across this bike hidden in bushes in the Woolston area.

Once again, Wolfpack have come good, and we are working with them at the moment to recover the bike and have it returned to what we are sure will be another grateful owner.

These two stories show firstly that there are Salads out there stripping people of their hard earned possessions. More importantly though, it shows that as a community, we can pull together and get positive outcomes too.

Keep looking out for each other, and if you do spot anything suspicious, it’s always worth letting someone know.

2 thoughts on “Good News – Another Stolen Bike Returned To Owner

  • Well done another old favourite place was the woods at the back of Dumbleton towers.

    • Thanks Ness, we will add this to our list of “Hotspots”

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