Sunday, September 29, 2024

Crime Rates Across SO19 Increase

Crime Rates Across SO19 Increase

Even with Covid and the restrictions that have been in place for almost two years now, crime as a whole has increased in the area of SO19. 

In blunt terms, antisocial behaviour has increased by 168% between January to October 2021 when companies to the same period in 2019. 

Some of this will be because more people are reporting their concerns to police. However, the numbers are alarmingly high, with an average of over 100 incidents reported each month.

With the lack of centres/activities for youths in our communities, we maybe shouldn’t be surprised that these figures are increasing.  At some point though, our councillors really have to look at the cost of closing down these youth centres to tomorrows generation. Instead they need to look at how they can invest in re-opening some of them.

As someone that has lived in SO19 for over 35 years, I am fortunate to have been able to go to “The Centre” when I was a teenager.  Being able to find entertainment in all weathers, with youth workers who really cared about us as people.  The respect the younger people had back then for these youth workers was huge, and the fact these centres are rare doesn’t help with the crime figures we are seeing.

One of the most alarming stats is that in the same period (Jan/Oct 21) there were 62 arrests for offences related to weapons.  Whilst it’s down on 2019 (71), it has increased from 2020 (57).  

We have expressed our opinions on “knives ruining lives”, especially when it’s reported some of the ages  of those who have been arrested for using weapons.  We can only hope we don’t continue to see an increase in this area. Again, put simply, put the weapons down and settle your differences in another way.  It’s not worth anyone losing their lives over what is often just a trivial dispute.

We’ve included a snippet of crimes between January to October for the past 3 years for SO19. Although some may find it interesting, I think we can all agree that the numbers really are scary.  Let’s hope the CPS can help deter those committing the crimes with suitable punishments, and that the police get the investment required to investigate further.