Sunday, September 29, 2024

SO19 Targeted For Car Break-ins

Seems the festive spirit has well and truly gone in some households.

It’s been reported that some salads were back out trying car doors. They managed to successfully gain enter to at least one car in Dawson Road, Sholing. They went right through the car, appearing to leave in a hurry. Some of the contents of the vehicle were later found by the owner scattered on the ground further up the road.

It’s quite possible that it is the same suspect who was trying car doors in Valentine Avenue, Sholing. This took place around 3:45am, with one resident picking up the suspected thief on their security camera (picture below).

If you have any information regarding either incident, please contact 101 as soon as possible.

We should all be able to sleep at night in the knowledge that our belongings are safe. However, this isn’t the reality we live in. Here’s some advice about keeping your car as safe as possible;

• Lock your car doors and roll up the windows. Whenever you park, double check to see if your doors are locked and your windows are closed. In many cases, thieves look for unlocked cars as it is much easier for them to steal items inside. Thieves do not want to bust a window or pick a lock if they don’t have to, because the longer they spend at the car, the more likely it is that someone will see them.

• Park in well-lit areas. Parking in a dark or shadowy areas makes it easier for thieves to break in without being seen. Thieves prefer to operate in the dark and are less likely to break into a car if it is in a well-lit area. If you have to park on the street at night, try to park under a street light.
Install a security system and advertise it.

• An anti-theft system such as a steering wheel lock, ignition cut-off, or window alarm can be effective at preventing a theft. A security system may include options such as motion sensors and sirens that sound if someone breaks in. Some new systems even have two-way communication so that when the alarm goes off, you are notified on your smartphone. Also, slapping a car alarm sticker on your window can help deter thieves – even if you don’t actually have a car alarm.

• Hide valuables. It’s best to avoid keeping any valuables in your car, but in times when you have to, be sure to cover them with a blanket or towel, or put them in the trunk. Place small valuables in the glove box. If valuables in your vehicle are visible, it drastically increases the chance a thief will target your car.

• Do not park in places that don’t feel safe. Trust your instincts. Avoid places with no lights and no security cameras. If possible, avoid a secluded car park, as that allows thieves to break into your car with less risk of being seen. If you park where there are other cars, thieves may target a more vulnerable car instead of yours.