Monday, September 30, 2024

Police Announce Dispersal Order to Ensure Public Safety During Saints vs Leicester Football Match

Police have announced a dispersal order will be in place in the town centre today between 12pm and 11.59pm to ensure public safety during the Southampton vs Leicester football match.

The order, which has been authorised under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (Section 34), empowers officers to disperse individuals who engage in anti-social behaviour.

The decision to implement the dispersal order follows reports of a minority of spectators committing such behaviour at previous matches. In order to maintain an enjoyable experience for the majority of football fans who attend games without incident, this order will allow the police to deal with any individuals who spoil the event for others.

A map of the specific area that the dispersal order will cover has been provided alongside the announcement. The Superintendent overseeing the operation, Mark Lewis, stated that the safety of the public is the top priority and that the police will use their powers only if necessary.

“We are telling you this in the hope that we do not have to use these powers, however they are there if we need them to ensure the safety of the public, which is our main priority,” Lewis said. “It is important our communities know what we are doing to tackle anti-social behaviour and we hope this dispersal zone will make that minority of fans reconsider their actions.”

Police officers in the area have been instructed to use the powers granted by the dispersal order to deal with any instances of anti-social behaviour should they arise. Any members of the public who witness such behaviour are encouraged to report it to the police.

Lewis also extended an invitation to members of the public to approach the police officers in the area, either to say hello or to report any concerns they may have.