Friday, September 27, 2024

Wanted – Doughnut thief assaults two people

Do you recognise this man?

Police are appealing to the public to help identify the man pictured. They believe he’ll be able to assist them in relation to an incident that happened in Shirley back on 15 December.

Between 11:15am and 11:35am, a man entered the Greggs store on Shirley High Street. Once inside, he was abusive and threatening to staff members, and a customer.

Whilst no injuries were reported, it’s alleged that the man assaulted two staff members, before leaving the store with a quantity of doughnuts, which were unpaid for.

If you do recognise the man pictured, please pass the information to the police online or via 101. The incident number to quote is 44220505258.

The lengths people go to are astounding sometimes; we hope those working in the store and the customer were not too shaken up.