Monday, September 30, 2024

160 plants found in city drug bust

Police had another bit of success on Thursday this week, 19 January. This was in respect of trying to tackle drug related crime in the city.

A warrant was carried out at a commercial premises on Victoria Street. This street runs between Belvidere Road and Britannia Road, close to St Mary’s Stadium.

On entering the premises, they found around 160 cannabis plants, as pictured. All plants were seized and will later be destroyed.

A 61 year old Southampton man and a 32 year old man of no fixed abode were arrested for cannabis cultivation. They’ve both since been bailed pending further enquiries.

Writing stories about cannabis tends to generate a mixed response; some say ‘well done to the police’, but there are others who perhaps underestimate the seriousness.

Whilst to some, cannabis is ‘just a recreational activity’, the reality is that its cultivation and supply is linked to far greater crimes. These often involve violence, and advantage being taken of minors and/or those more vulnerable in the community. It’s for these reasons that it will remain a priority for police to tackle.