Sunday, September 29, 2024

Attempted Assault On Community Volunteer

Bit of a shocking story to deliver tonight, and one which is quite difficult to write.

We’ve been made aware of an incident that occurred on Tuesday evening (14th) around the Orpen Road area. A local lady was going about her business in her car, selflessly collecting donations of toys for a children’s charity. This charity is collecting so as to provide a present to kids who may not otherwise receive them this Christmas.

The lady was halted whilst in her car by a group on mopeds. They proceeded to attempt gaining forceful access to her car, but she was able to lock all the doors. Not content, these Salads were threatening (her life at times too) and abusive whilst clambering over the bonnet and roof; needless to say the poor lady was at a loss for what to do. Thankfully another car pulled up and the culprits dispanded, but the harm was already done, and this lady is now left fearful of carrying on her amazing deed collecting donations.

As we said, this is such a shocking incident and thoughts are with the lady in question.  I’d also add that this amazing lady was one who during various lockdowns went out of her way to deliver parcels to many who couldn’t get to food-banks. If there is a positive, an SO19 patroller has offered to help and escort the lady so she can continue with her efforts.

Naturally, this incident has been reported, but we’d urge and encourage anyone in the area to check any CCTV that could help. Any information should be passed to the police.

3 thoughts on “Attempted Assault On Community Volunteer

  • Absolute scumbags.

  • Margaret

    Let’s hope Karma finds them

  • Anonymous

    People clambering over your car, trying to get access while threatening your life is damn good reason to drive away, even if they’re infront of or on top of your car.

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