Sunday, September 29, 2024

White Van Stolen In Southampton

A report has come in concerning the theft of a van locally overnight.

As shown in the picture it’s a White, 16 plate, Ford Transit 350. There was also a green ride on lawnmower in the back, along with other gardening equipment.

If you have any CCTV in or around the Landseer Road area, please see if you can find any information on them. If you do, please report it to the police so as to assist in the possible recovery and safe return of this gentleman’s hear earned stuff.

As always, you can message SO19 Neighbourhood Watch anonymously with any details.

One thought on “White Van Stolen In Southampton

  • Anonymous

    Any information on the whereabouts of this van would be greatly appreciated. This is our business as lively hood without it we are going to struggle.

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