Sunday, September 29, 2024

Watch Out, Parcel Thief About

Call for action.

News in tonight that a lady was around the Parry Road area of Sholing with a little boy in tow. Seems that she was less than discreet when choosing to take freshly delivered parcels from other’s doorsteps.

To the intended recipients of said parcels, we hope you’re able get them back or recover any losses. To the lady in question, we can but hope you have a little time to reflect, and the do the right thing. Perhaps lose the limp when you return the items though ?

If anyone has CCTV around that area, please double check it and report any findings to the police; there’ll be a young girl only too pleased to get a positive outcome.

2 thoughts on “Watch Out, Parcel Thief About

  • What a cow how mean hope she doesnt come near my house she will have a reason to limp if i get hold of her

    • Valerie out here about to start a street brawl. I want tickets.

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