Sunday, September 29, 2024
Good News

Good news as 9 year old is reunited with her stolen bike

We published a story yesterday about a bike that was stolen, which belonged to a 9 year old girl. The theft took place in Faringdon Road, SO18.

Often, we’re unable to relay back positive news when thefts take place. However, on this occasion, we’re pleased to be able to, having been in contact with the young girl’s Mum.

Following the discovery of the bike going missing, the family put out a plea for help and we ran the story too. Subsequently, the bike was spotted as being up for sale, not too far away. Neither we, or the family concerned have any interest in turning a good ending into a negative so we won’t brandish the for sale advert. Needless to say, we’re delighted that the bike is back with its owner, as is the girl who can now go back to enjoying the Easter break on her favourite toy.